Music, music. Hi, my name is Brittany Hall, and I'm an attorney with Cape Fear Family Law. I'm going to talk to you today about what we call post-separation support. So you might be wondering, what exactly is post-separation support? Well, post-separation support is sort of a temporary form of alimony. You can find post-separation support in the North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter Fifty-Sixteen. A dependent spouse is actually the spouse who is financially dependent on their supporting spouse. So once the court determines if there is a supporting spouse and a dependent spouse, then the court can determine if it can award post-separation support. The court determines if someone will have to pay post-separation support by looking at their finances. So basically, both spouses will fill out a form. We call it a financial affidavit, but really what it is is just a budget form. And you put on there all of your income, and then you put on there all of your expenses. The court reviews that, and at the end of the day, if the supporting spouse has a surplus at the end of the month based on what he or she makes and what he or she has to spend, and if the dependent spouse has a negative at the end of the month and is in need of more money to pay for their reasonable expenses, then the court can order post-separation support. So what it really boils down to is: does the dependent spouse need the money, and does the supporting spouse have the ability to pay it? If the supporting spouse just does not have the ability to pay, then the court cannot order post-separation support. Another thing to keep in mind is that even if the supporting spouse does not have the ability to...
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Nc separation agreement with custody Form: What You Should Know
Marital Separation Agreement from North Carolina Divorce Court This document provides each party with a basic separation package of benefits in an unanticipated event. It also establishes what each spouse is expected to provide for the children. North Carolina Marital Separation Agreement North Carolina Marital Separation Agreement (No Child) A divorce lawyer can help you create an equitable plan for your divorce. A separate separation agreement helps eliminate the legal uncertainty that can impact your family and your life. Divorce lawyer for North Carolina, Lanny W. Radar. Divorce is a process. A fair divorce is a process, too. If you have a divorce, please contact us, we are available for consultation with North Carolina Divorce attorney. You have to make your decisions carefully. Divorce is a process. A fair divorce is a process, too. Divorce lawyer for North Carolina, Lanny W. Radar Marital Separation Agreement | Family Lawyer Network A North Carolina Marital Separation Agreement is an independent, written agreement. This is a template that a person can use as a template to create their own. It is an agreement that you give to your spouse for a fair divorce. You can use it as much as, as often and as often as you want. There will be a time when the marriage will need to be annulled. In a divorce, each party will be able to receive a court order allowing them to end the marriage and terminate all legal rights and obligations. The following is a legal guide to a North Carolina Separation Agreement for a final divorce. The goal of the agreement is to keep both spouses under current, non-controlling orders of the court regarding issues related to physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. For this type of order, there are also provisions concerning child custody, support obligations, support awards, and spousal maintenance. What Happens When The Parents Separate?: Divorce is a very complex task because one person can have a great advantage over any other party. This is not only true when the parties are related, but also when the parties are not related. When it comes to family court, the court works a lot like a family court judge: the goal is to find a “fair and just” solution to the disagreement that arises during the divorce. The court and parties must use due diligence to come to an agreement that the court deems “adequate.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Nc separation agreement with custody