Music this presentation is a training developed by Legal Aid of North Carolina to help you file for a divorce without the assistance of an attorney. There are two requirements for getting a divorce in North Carolina. Number one, you or your spouse must have lived in the state of North Carolina for at least six months immediately preceding the date you file. Number two, you and your spouse must have lived separate and apart for one continuous year prior to the date of filing. Living in separate bedrooms in the same house is not sufficient. You must have lived in separate residences. Getting a divorce judgment will affect your rights to property division and spousal support. If you have any desire to pursue property division or spousal support, we suggest that you consult with an attorney to discuss your legal rights before filing. This divorce action has no impact on your custody rights with regard to minor children you have with your spouse and no impact on child support. There are three steps to getting a divorce that we will cover. They are as follows: Step one: what you file Step two: serving the defendant Step three: getting the order signed You have been handed a packet of materials. You will see two pages referred to as instructions or cheat sheets. These are for you to keep and cover the three-step process. We will refer to the cheat sheets throughout the presentation. There are numerous court forms that we have provided to you. During this presentation, we will provide instructions on completing the forms. With many of the forms, you will be writing the same information over and over. So be prepared for that. Let's begin with step one: what you file. Filing a case simply means you hand...
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NC Court Complaint absolute Divorce Form: What You Should Know
Divorce. (PDF, 474 KB) Once you have filed the documents to initiate your divorce (Complaint, The Certificate of Absolute Divorce form is necessary to file for an Absolute Divorce. (PDF, 474 KB) Once you have filed the documents to initiate your divorce (Complaint, The Certificate of Absolute Divorce form is necessary to file for a Divorce) the following documents should be provided: A: Certificate of Divorce, (If the Plaintiff does not already have the Certificate) C: Certificate of Divorce, (If the Plaintiff did not already have the Certificate) A: Certificate of Divorce, (If the Plaintiff does not already have the Certificate) C: Certificate of Divorce, (If the Plaintiff did not already have the Certificate) A: Certificate of Divorce, (If the Plaintiff does not already have the Certificate) C: Certificate of Divorce, (If the Plaintiff did not already have the Certificate) A: Certificate of Divorce, (If the Plaintiff does not already have the Certificate) C: Document to explain the grounds of The Complaint (Absolute Divorce) C: Document to explain the grounds of The Complaint (Absolute Divorce) NOTE: If it is determined that, The Certificate of Absolute Divorce was not signed by someone other than the Plaintiff, the certificate should be immediately re-filled with the identity of the Plaintiff's attorney, unless the Plaintiff is represented by someone not legally obligated to fill it at his/her expense. Note: It is recommended that the Plaintiff consult an attorney before filing his/her Complaint with the clerk so that, unless the Plaintiff is represented by someone not legally obligated to fill it at his/her expense, the Plaintiff should obtain the Plaintiff' attorney's signature on the Certificate of Divorce before filing. The following is a short list (not inclusive) of documents you may include with your Complaint: Documents relating to the fact or circumstances which, in your opinion, render the marriage void or invalid, which shall indicate to the Court that the marriage did not include a valid consent of the spouses to be bound by the provisions contained in this Act.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing NC Court Form Complaint absolute Divorce